Facebook Settlement Payout: How to Claim Your Share of the $725 Million Privacy Lawsuit

by Matthew Daniel

Facebook Settlement Payout: How to Claim Your Share of the $725 Million Privacy Lawsuit

If you are a Facebook user in the US, you may be eligible to receive a cash payment from the social media giant as part of a $725 million settlement of a class-action lawsuit over privacy violations. The lawsuit alleged that Facebook shared its users’ personal information with third parties without their consent, such as Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm that used the data to influence the 2016 US presidential election. Facebook, which rebranded itself as Meta in 2021, denied any wrongdoing but agreed to pay the settlement to avoid further litigation.

What’s the Eligibility for the Facebook Settlement Payout?

To be eligible for the Facebook settlement payout, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. You must have had an active Facebook account in the US between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022.
  2. You must have submitted a valid claim form by August 25, 2023, the deadline for filing claims.
  3. You must not have opted out of the settlement or objected to it.

If you meet these criteria, you are automatically part of the settlement class and entitled to receive a cash payment. However, if you did not file a claim, opted out, or objected, you are not eligible for the payment and you forfeit your right to sue Facebook over the same issues in the future.

How to Claim for Facebook Settlement?

If you are eligible for the Facebook settlement payout, you must have filed a claim form by August 25, 2023, to receive your payment. The claim form was available online on the official website of the settlement or by mail upon request. The claim form required you to provide the following information:

  1. Your name, address, email, and phone number
  2. Your Facebook username
  3. Your preferred payment method, such as Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, prepaid Mastercard, or check
  4. A declaration that you lived in the US and had a Facebook account between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022

The claim form was simple and easy to fill out and should have taken only a few minutes. If you filed your claim online, you should have received a confirmation email with a claim number. If you filed your claim by mail, you should have received a confirmation postcard with a claim number. You can use your claim number to check the status of your claim on the settlement website.

Claim Required Information for Facebook Settlement Payout

To receive your Facebook settlement payout, you must have provided the required information on your claim form, such as your name, address, email, phone number, Facebook username, and payment method. If you did not provide any of this information or provided incorrect or incomplete information, your claim may be rejected or delayed.

If your claim is rejected, you will receive a notice by email or mail explaining the reason for the rejection and giving you an opportunity to correct the error. If your claim is delayed, you will receive a notice by email or mail requesting additional information or documentation to verify your claim. You must respond to these notices within the specified time frame or your claim may be denied.

Facebook Settlement Claim on Multiple Accounts

If you had more than one Facebook account during the eligibility period, you could file a claim for each account, as long as you provided the username and email address associated with each account. However, you could not file multiple claims for the same account or use the same email address for different accounts. If you do so, your claims may be rejected or reduced. The settlement administrator has the right to verify the validity and uniqueness of each claim and to reject or reduce any duplicate or fraudulent claims.

How Much Amount Will an Individual Get Under Facebook Settlement?

The amount of money that each individual will get under the Facebook settlement depends on the number of valid claims that were filed and the length of time that each claimant had a Facebook account during the eligibility period. The settlement administrator has estimated that the average payment will be around $30 per claimant, based on the assumption that 17.7 million valid claims were filed. However, the actual payment may vary depending on the final number of valid claims and the points system that will be used to calculate the payment.

The points system will award more points to claimants who had a Facebook account for a longer period of time, and fewer points to claimants who had a Facebook account for a shorter period of time or who deleted their account during the eligibility period. The points system will also take into account the fees and expenses of the lawyers and the settlement administrator, which will be deducted from the settlement fund before the payments are made. The settlement administrator will post the final payment amounts on the settlement website once they are determined.

How Am I Going to Receive My Facebook Settlement Payout?

You will receive your Facebook settlement payout in the form that you chose on your claim form, such as Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, prepaid Mastercard, or check. If you choose Zelle, Venmo, or PayPal, you will receive your payment electronically to the email address that you provided on your claim form. If you chose a prepaid Mastercard, you will receive a physical card by mail to the address that you provided on your claim form. If you choose to check, you will receive a paper check by mail to the address that you provided on your claim form. You must activate your prepaid Mastercard or deposit your check within the specified time frame or your payment may be forfeited.

When the Claimants are Likely to Receive It?

The claimants are likely to receive their Facebook settlement payout in early 2024, according to the settlement administrator. The settlement received final approval by a federal judge in California on October 10, 2023, which triggered a 30-day appeals period. However, Facebook has not appealed the settlement as of November 8, 2023, and has deposited the settlement funds into an escrow account. The settlement administrator has said that the payments will be distributed “as soon as possible” after any appeals are resolved.

The judge has estimated that the distribution of funds will start 90 days after the settlement receives final approval, which would put the date in early January 2024. However, the actual date may vary depending on the resolution of any appeals and the processing of the claims. The settlement administrator will post updates about any appeals and a payment distribution deadline on the settlement website when they are available.

What If the Facebook Settlement Claim Is Not Paid?

If you filed a valid claim and did not receive your Facebook settlement payout within the expected time frame, you should contact the settlement administrator by email at info@FacebookUserPrivacySettlement.com or by phone at 1-833-930-2420. You should provide your claim number and the payment method that you chose on your claim form.

The settlement administrator will investigate the issue and try to resolve it as soon as possible. If you are not satisfied with the response or the resolution of the settlement administrator, you can contact the court or the lawyers representing the settlement class for further assistance. However, you should not contact Facebook or Meta directly, as they are not responsible for the administration or distribution of the settlement.


The Facebook settlement payout is a cash payment that eligible Facebook users in the US can receive as part of a $725 million settlement of a class-action lawsuit over privacy violations. The lawsuit alleged that Facebook shared its users’ personal information with third parties without their consent, such as Cambridge Analytica. Facebook denied any wrongdoing but agreed to pay the settlement to avoid further litigation. To receive the payment, eligible users must have filed a claim form by August 25, 2023, and provided the required information, such as their name, address, email, phone number, Facebook username, and payment method.

The payment amount will depend on the number of valid claims and the length of time that each claimant had a Facebook account during the eligibility period. The payment will be made in the form that the claimant chose on the claim form, such as Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, prepaid Mastercard, or check. The payment is expected to be distributed in early 2024 after any appeals are resolved. If the claimant does not receive the payment within the expected time frame, they should contact the settlement administrator for assistance.


Q: What is the Facebook settlement payout?

A: The Facebook settlement payout is a cash payment that eligible Facebook users in the US can receive as part of a $725 million settlement of a class-action lawsuit over privacy violations.

Q: Who is eligible for the Facebook settlement payout?

A: To be eligible for the Facebook settlement payout, you must have had an active Facebook account in the US between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, and you must have submitted a valid claim form by August 25, 2023.

Q: How do I file a claim for the Facebook settlement payout?

A: You can file a claim for the Facebook settlement payout online on the official website of the settlement or by mail upon request. You need to provide your name, address, email, phone number, Facebook username, and payment method on the claim form.

Q: How much money will I receive from the Facebook settlement payout?

A: The amount of money that you will receive from the Facebook settlement payout depends on the number of valid claims and the length of time that you had a Facebook account during the eligibility period. The settlement administrator has estimated that the average payment will be around $30 per claimant.

Q: How will I receive my Facebook settlement payout?

A: You will receive your Facebook settlement payout in the form that you chose on your claim form, such as Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, prepaid Mastercard, or check. You will receive your payment electronically or by mail, depending on your payment method.

Q: When will I receive my Facebook settlement payout?

A: You are likely to receive your Facebook settlement payout in early 2024 after any appeals are resolved. The settlement administrator will post updates about the payment distribution deadline on the settlement website when they are available.

Q: What if I have more than one Facebook account?

A: If you have more than one Facebook account during the eligibility period, you can file a claim for each account, as long as you provide the username and email address associated with each account. However, you cannot file multiple claims for the same account or use the same email address for different accounts.

Q: What if I deleted my Facebook account during the eligibility period?

A: If you deleted your Facebook account during the eligibility period, you can still file a claim for the Facebook settlement payout, as long as you provide the username and email address that you used for your account. However, your payment amount may be reduced, as the points system will award fewer points to claimants who deleted their accounts during the eligibility period.

Q: What if I did not file a claim, opted out, or objected to the settlement?

A: If you did not file a claim, opted out, or objected to the settlement, you are not eligible for the Facebook settlement payout and you forfeit your right to sue Facebook over the same issues in the future.

Q: What if I do not receive my Facebook settlement payout within the expected time frame?

A: If you do not receive your Facebook settlement payout within the expected time frame, you should contact the settlement administrator by email at info@FacebookUserPrivacySettlement.com or by phone at 1-833-930-2420. You should provide your claim number and the payment method that you chose on your claim form. The settlement administrator will investigate the issue and try to resolve it as soon as possible.